Letter: 2 November 1873

To Lora A. Arnold From Lib Johnson

Nov. 2nd 1873.

Dear Sister and all.
You have doubtless looked for a letter from me before this but I could not find time very well, and I arrived back here last night and write before going home. I had a very excellent visit but did not find Cousin Martha very well, she has many sick days and do not think she will live many years. Ida and I went up to Waverly on the Pennsylvania line to see Emma Murdock (?) and had a nice time for three days. I started Friday morning and no night boat so stayed over at Whitchell and came up the Lake yesterday and enjoyed the scenery much, but not as fine as when we went as all those bright-beautiful leaves had fallen, yet still enough left to be attractive, as it must be even in winter. The Lake was not rough but too cold to be on deck, and I had Mrs. Ketchums and Hirams company also Wallie and others. I came alone not meeting Lucy in my travels nor hearing from her. Mela and I attended Presbyterian Church this morning, and she has gone to Isaac Davis this afternoon and Corral, Amanda and I have been up to Mr. Johnson's. Pete is coming down tomorrow so I shall go home, and shall be glad to get back for I can say with you "I am so tired visiting." There was a fireman killed on the Central the day before I left. The train coming round a curve and running over a cow. and the depot's were all draped in mourning. Work has stopped a good deal on the railroad in consequence of cutting down wages, and many were returning home on the boat. Amos I wish you had been along to have see the beautiful scenery from Aurora to Ithica it was grandly beautiful the beautiful Cayuga Lake on one side and high rocks with little waterfalls, cascade, and water dripping from shelves of rocks on the other. Had a good view of Ithica Falls and would have liked much to have visited the famous Gorge. We had excellent company and enjoyed it. Amanda & Corral were up home last week and our folks were well and getting in the turnips. The neighbors were very much surprised to find out I left with you, "strange wasn't it." Ame (?) I was glad to see you did not get left at Syracuse, as I saw the train pass and Bub at the Window. did not forget my ticket again. Was you glad to get home in safety and get to work again and had anything suffered by your being gone?
Monday morning
Amanda is about sick this morning and Corral has gone to Salmon River. What are the children all about husking corn?
I shall expect to hear from you when you get this as I shall have to go to cleaning house and you will have as much time as I. ppeter has come says they are all well and Ida is coming down to go to school next week. I guess you was glad not to stop in Chicago you were so tired, and how sad that Mrs. McCann died so soon.
Don't forget to write and excuse me from not writing before.
Love to all.
Lib Johnson

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